Teachings of Evolutionary Astrology

Unity. All things are related. Everything is part of a single whole, and is connected in some way to everything else.

Change. All of creation is in cycles of constant change. Nothing remains the same. There are two basic types of change: coming together, and coming apart. Both are necessary.

Cycles of change. Change is not random or accidental, but is essential to the process of evolution.

The spiritual world is real, and the physical world is real. There are different laws governing each. A balanced life honour's both these dimensions of reality.

We can influence our own evolution, and can acquire new gifts and abilities, but we must make effort to do so.

We are asked to be active participants in the unfolding of our potential. We can make the choice to co-operate with our evolutionary journey, or we can resist necessary change. Evolution will occur with or without our co-operation, and will be smooth or difficult accordingly.

The path towards unity consciousness waits for us to decide to take it. Guides and teachers will appear to assist us once we make this decision, and spirit will assist us on our journey.

The forces of adversity will resist our intention to evolve towards union with the Creator. Our determination and faith in our selves and our spiritual protectors must increase in order to overcome adversity.

We live in a dual creation, and evolution occurs within the experience of opposites. The polarity of evolution is involution. Just as there is grace and guidance to assist our evolution, there is darkness and adversity that can cause our involution.

“Mark was the first student to complete my school of Evolutionary Astrology. Mark’s abilities as an evolutionary astrologer are simply excellent. Beyond this, he has a great natural wisdom which has occurred through the nature of his life experience.”

Jeffrey Wolf Green.

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.“Mark was the first student to complete my school of Evolutionary Astrology. Mark’s abilities as an evolutionary astrologer are simply excellent. Beyond this, he has a great natural wisdom which has occurred through the nature of his life experience.”

Jeffrey Wolf Green.