White Wolf Astrology

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Understanding Evolutionary Astrology

The human soul is an emotional consciousness. The soul incarnates and evolves through many life-times.

The birth chart shows the way that this evolution can be achieved.

The birth chart shows what has come before: the gifts, traumas and challenges that the soul brings into the present life.

We evolve and can find liberation through our emotions.

The houses represent twelve gates of experience, or twelve evolutionary lessons that we are here to learn.

The signs correlate to twelve capacities within consciousness: twelve archetypes that condition consciousness in the human form.

The planets in the birth chart correlate to specific functions within the human psyche: how the archetypes are given unique and individual expression.

Pluto corresponds to the soul. The natal position of Pluto, together with the South node of the Moon, and its planetary ruler, correlate to our past. The polarity point of Pluto, together with the North node of the Moon, and its planetary ruler, correlate to our evolutionary future.

“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with the child’s individual karma.” Swami Sri Yukteswar.

“The Earth in Evolutionary Astrology”
by Mark Batterbury
“The Broken Heart of God : a life of wondering in the spiritual jungle”
by Mark Batterbury

Beautiful feedback from our clients

“ Thank you for you insight and thoughtful guidance. It is so important to have confirmation in regards to my void where self identity is concerned. I have lived in great pain, feeling unseen, unheard and alone. I feel blessed, as now I can fill this void with spirit, the one, true love. thank you.’’


“ I wanted you to know that I have a new feeling now, a glow right there in my gut and the life force that used to be outside is now inside me. This feeling is still so new and intense, but there is a strength and guidance that was not there before. Thank you for standing by me through such a dark time. ’’


“ Hi Mark, First of all thanks again for a wonderful reading! I have been confused about my fears around change and taking risks. After the reading I can see how this is indeed an unconscious reaction to issues with my mother. It was helpful to get your input on how to work with that in the context of my spiritual path. I was able to unravel something important.’’

best regards, D.

I just wanted to thank your for the reading, it was quite amazing. Your talent and gifts and appreciated.’’


“You’ve been a really big help for me: everything you’ve said is true and I can relate to and use all of it. I needed validation before I could move on with my life, and you helped me to do that. You also brought things to light that I would never have thought of. ”


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.“Mark was the first student to complete my school of Evolutionary Astrology. Mark’s abilities as an evolutionary astrologer are simply excellent. Beyond this, he has a great natural wisdom which has occurred through the nature of his life experience.”

Jeffrey Wolf Green.